59 Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata-700023 +916293629300 info@debtkart.in

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About Debtkart

One of the best Legal Service Provider in Debt Related Matters.

Embrace a new financial chapter with Debtkart.in by your side. Our platform offers a fresh start and a chance to regain control of your financial destiny. Through our comprehensive resources, debt management plans, and educational content, we empower you to rewrite your financial story and create a future filled with financial stability and prosperity.

SETTLEND LEGAL ADVISORS LLP trading name " Debtkart" is a legal advisory firm and a bridge in between Financial institutions and the clients (Defaulters). We have been assisting our clients in cases related to personal loans, credit card settlements, digital loans, and any consumer loan-related issues. Our team includes expert lawyers specializing in such cases. We have channel partners across Kolkata, Delhi, Pune, and Chennai. Debtkart was created to provide relief against illegal harassment by recovery agencies and any third parties hired by banks and financial institutions aiming to defame our clients for fund extraction purposes.

Our directors possess sound knowledge in the technological field and have worked with various ventures related to financial software, risk management, and credit flow. Debt management platforms are prevalent in countries like the United States, Australia, or the United Kingdom. However, in India, due to the lack of proper transparency and regulatory loopholes, creditors often try to gain an upper hand with their defaulting customers. We are here to support our clients by offering alternative solutions that encompass both legal recourse and proper financial planning.


We Follow Rbi Guidelines
We have Financial Planners
24/7 Anti-harrasment Cell
We handle your legal charges
OUR Team Members







Registered Office

59, Diamond Harbour Rd, Ekbalpur, Khidirpur, Kolkata, West Bengal 700023



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Corporate Office

DBS House, 10/2 Hungerford Street, Park Street Area, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700017



© 2021-2024 SETTLEND LEGAL ADVISORS LLP T/A " Debtkart " . All Rights Reserved.

The usage of our services is bounded by the terms of service document, By using our services you agree will all our terms as in this page.

The respective logos of the banks are their own intellectual properties and these banks are no way associated with Debtkart, Logos are used for the sole purpose of reference only. We are here to assist you in overcoming debt, improving your credit score, and creating a solid financial foundation